The transmission cross member was fabricated from a
Matador donor to fit the frame sills of the 62 Classic, adjustable of
course to aid in engine tilt and help in pinion angle. The tires are
15x6 front and 15x7 rear. A 1983 Concord donated the manual Disc
brakes. Shifting is via a B&M for simplicity, but I left the
push-buttons intact for conversation. I have 2 gauges to watch
the engine, and reverse red light located in the ash-tray to avoid a
missed shift. The exhaust manifolds
are free-flows and ported internally to move more cfms. thru 2-1/4
pipes. About 90% of the swap was done by myself and friends.
I have now owned this car for about 12 years, originally coming from Ken Havekost.
The odometer shows only 41,000 miles. If you were wondering, the answer is yes, this Classic does attract a lot of stories
of Dads Rambler in high school. On the other side of the garage sits a 1978 Pacer wagon with a 500 cubic
inch Cadillac engine. The Pacer has been done about 3 years, but that's another story.
Note the detail of the 401, kind of looks like a 327 with the Rampart Red Paint and custom valve covers