My name is Bob Hull, AMCRC #2673. I am 35, a Rambler owner
for 20 years, and AMCRC member since 1998. I currently own 16 AMC’s. I reside
in Lake
Stevens, WA, 45 miles north of Seattle. I am one of the founding members of
Rainier Ramblers chapter of AMCRC (now defunct) and one of the founding members
of Cascade Ramblers chapter of AMCRC (we split Rainier Ramblers due to its
geographical size in late 1989). I served as Rainier Ramblers V-P from
1988-1989, Cascade Rambler Club president from 1990-1994 and 1997, and Cascade
Rambler Club V-P from 1995-1996 and 1998 to present. I am an unofficial
chairman of the Coalition of Northwest AMC Clubs who’s function is Rendezvous
200X which is now the largest AMC/related show on the west coast.
My Goals for
I’d like to see the Reader format broadened to include better coverage of the National meet each year as well as local and regional events. I would like to see more individuals involved in submitting material for the Reader both regular and one time. I would like to see more in-depth technical articles included, too. I want to see AMCRC become more involved with other AMC clubs as well as with Nash and Hudson, and to see these same other clubs be more involved with AMCRC. We should foster an environment where no one is ever viewed as a member of “that other club.” I would love to see a Kenosha 2002 happen every five years or so. I’d like to continue to expand AMCRC on the web. In the years to come, more people will learn of AMCRC and its offerings via the web than through any other advertising media.
Above and beyond all, I want to see AMCRC provide you, the member, what you want from the club. We need to take members suggestions and use those to broaden the offerings of AMCRC. If you do not get what you want from AMCRC, you are less likely to remain a member. Bob Hull