Founded in 1980 by Frank and Elaine Wrenick
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AMCRC Rambler Regionals

Show time is rolling again in the northern US! Not everyone can make it to the National show or our local chapters regional shows, but it's best for us and the hobby that we do our best to support a show. If you're not attending because you're working, or have family commitments, then I agree -- the show is only a show, and we all have our priorities. But if you're not going because you think that you are not important, or that your car isn't good enough, then you probably should go and see what really goes on at our regional get-togethers. It may surprise you to find that we're not a bunch of monkeys running around in coveralls and crawling under cars all weekend. On the contrary, we look pretty suave and cool walking around in our clean AMCRC show shirts We bring the families and kids aged 0 and up. At most of our shows, your kids actually vote for their favorite car and award a trophy.  Shows are lots of fun, take a look at the below links to see a couple of our AMCRC chapters North East Coast events that took place in July 2007:

What if the regional show never happens - so what? Well, if we have no show, we can't tell non-AMCRC people that we're here. If we can't cultivate an interest outside of our group, we can't attract new members as old members leave. How can we sell our cars (or find better cars) when it's time - the only people interested will already be in the group, and they will already have cars. How can we get parts vendors to Shows if it's not worth packing up their trucks and driving 300 miles? How can we tear our local parts vendors away from Ebay, only to spend hours loading a truck, unloading at the show, then loading most of the same parts back on again (after spending their profits on gas, food, and motel room)? How can we sell or trade our extra parts if no one outside of the group knows what a Rambler is? Why in the world would Webb's, or Kennedy, or J.C. Whitney, or Auto Exotica, or Kanter want to continue stocking and developing parts for
us if the market for the parts is not going to make it worth their while? One reason we maintain this club is to help our members find parts and service. Another reason is long-term -- keep the Rambler / Nash / Hudson AMC names alive for us, for the parts suppliers, and for future generations!

Check our "Shows Page" to find a local Rambler meet in your area!