Founded in 1980 by Frank and Elaine Wrenick
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Contact information for AMCRC is listed at the bottom of this page.  Please contact the president with all club related questions other than membership.  Individuals who are not yet AMCRC members should contact the president for ALL club related questions.

If you have an address change, did not receive a Rambler Reader or Ad Release, received damaged publications, or have other membership related questions / issues, please contact the Membership Chairperson.

About The Club

AMCRC was founded in 1980 by Frank and Elaine Wrenick to encourage and promote the preservation, restoration and collection of automobiles produced by American Motors Corporation. The Club also encourages preservation and collection of all information and printed matter relating to these cars.  In furtherance of these objectives, AMCRC publishes the quarterly Rambler Reader, the monthly Ad Release, the annual Parts Source Guide, holds and participates in National and Local Car Meets, and maintains a Club Library of technical information. 

AMCRC is a group of volunteers who have come together to assist each other in finding the parts, services, and advice necessary to keep our AMCs on the road using AMCRC Club publications and services to facilitate the interchange of information that we need to do this. We also promote the AMC hobby and try to make others aware of the history of AMC and their wide variety of automobiles through our Local and National Car Shows.

Owning a car is not a requirement for membership. If you like AMCs, you are most welcome. As a member, you get free ads for anything you want to buy or sell, and this may help you to find that AMC that you are looking for.

The PrezWhat do you get as a member of AMCRC?

Brian Yacino, AMCRC President says,

Every member receives the following: 


"Calendar Year" means that all of our publications and services from January to December of the calendar year are yours, including our popular annual Parts Source Guide and all issues of the quarterly Rambler Reader, even if you join later in the year. 


New AMCRC members get a special Start-Up Packet, which includes:
a list of club services,  Production Information telling how many AMCs were produced during the years 1958-1969, an AMCRC window decal, a membership post card, and other goodies. 


(1) Four issues of the Rambler Reader, our quarterly publication of about 40 pages, filled with news, tech tips, member stories, letters, material reproduced from original AMC literature in our library, and more.  For more details about our Rambler Reader click here.

(2) Four issues of our Ad Release, with hundreds of ads for all kinds of AMC things for sale and wanted to buy. This includes cars and parts, services, literature, and much more.

(3) A copy of our annual Parts Source Guide with sources for everything from air conditioning/freon substitutes to vacuum wiper repair. If you would like to see a list of topics covered in our Parts Source Guide, click here.


(1) Club Store Privileges: Members have access to a variety of AMC-related items through our Club Store. For example, reproduction engine compartment decals, window stickers, and other detailing items; club T-shirts, hats, badges and jewelry as well as our all-AMCRC wall calendar (with twelve full color 8"x10" photos featuring member cars), and more. 

(2) Free ads in the Ad Release for AMC-related cars or items you want to buy or sell. Ad Release information is sent out to all of our 1100 members around the world.

(3} Free Car Sale ads on our web pages.  Why use ebay and pay all their fees, when you can sell your car with AMCRC FREE!

(4) Information about AMCRC Chapters and Activities -- local, national, and international.

(5) Technical help and parts location assitance, to help you keep your AMC/Rambler on the road.

Perhaps you have some questions about AMCRC that weren't answered above? Maybe our "Frequently Asked Questions" and their answers will help you.   

Club Contacts

For web related comments or questions please email the webmaster

Please contact the president with all club related questions other than membership.  Individuals who are not yet AMCRC members should contact the president for ALL club related questions.

AMCRC National Office President
Brian Yacino
6 Murolo Road
North Grosvenordale CT  06255
e-mail: Brian Yacino
Phone - (860) 923-0485
If you have an address change, did not receive a Rambler Reader or Ad Release, received damaged publications, or have other membership related questions / issues, please contact the Membership Chairperson.

AMCRC  Membership Chairperson
Sandy Busque
77 County Road
Simsbury, CT 06070
e-mail: Sandy Busque
Phone (860) 658-0027

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